Like an owl..I must can see in the dark

Like an owl..I must can see in the dark
Like an owl..I must can see in the dark

Kamis, 13 September 2012

Kembali ke Sekolah

Hr ni hari pertama aq kembali 'mengajar' d skolah lamaku,SMP A tempatku mengabdi selama 8 tahun. Bukan sbagai guru tetap lagi, tetapi membantu di Pendalaman Materi untuk kelas 9. Aq djadwalkan datg setiap Kamis sore.

Sperti biasanya kunjungan 'pertama' kali, siswa2i yg notabene ABG lgsg heboh nyerbu aq bak artis dangdut datg ke kampung.

Cuma satu hal yang paling mengena, yakni ktk orang2 bertanya how is your business? what is your activity now?

jujur pemirsa.. bisnis yg hendak kurintis blumlah bs dkatakan lancar coz..frankly I confess that I depend on my mood. Art is complicated bcoz when u r not in the mood, ur creation will be absolutely not good. So is my sew. Errors will occur frequently when I'm not in the mood.

But..I feel ashamed with them. With my students, my ex partners...they know I left them to develop my skill, to run a business. But ... here I am. I haven't been discipline my self to be seriously in doing the business. So..once again, here I am. Not stagnant, but little in progress.

Sad... :(

Ini jadi semacam cambukan utk aq brjuang lbh keras lg. Malu...kl smp gagal.

Malu kpd Allah, keluarga, teman, dan malu dengan, especially, my self.

Insya Allah.. aq bertekad memacu diri lagi. Meskipun, jujur saja, running business tanpa rekan kerjasama cukup sulit.

Maybe that's the thing which is worth to be through to become what people call a superwoman.


I hope I am a superwoman.

Thanx pals... Thx to all SMP A community.

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